5 Safety Tips For Seniors Living Alone

by | Sep 28, 2021 | Defense Key Rings | 0 comments

A time will come when your kids grow up and move away on their own to their flats in different cities. It is when the seniors will have to stay on their own. If they can be on their feet and move around healthily, it is fine. But with age, their mobility might reduce. Don’t forget to check out self-defense products before you take this step. 

At Self Defense Key Rings, we have a wide range of highly functional personal safety gadgets. If you are a senior citizen and plan to start living safely, here are five essential tips to follow. 

Invest in Self Defense Methods

It would be the first thing to do. Besides having a pepper spray handy around the house, you would need to get the self-defense keychain for yourself. You may even have an innocuous key knife with a sneaky folded knife in it. Besides this, you may even opt for Balancer 6, a bundle personal safety alarm. It has a whistle in it to help you call for help at any time of the day. 

Stay in Touch with Friends and Neighbors

If you are new to the locality, say Hi to the neighbors. Introduce them to your children staying away so that they can contact them in case of any emergency. Don’t forget to share your phone number with them. It is also vital to stay in touch with your friends. These friends may drop in and keep an eye on you for your family’s peace of mind. They may even grab a few essentials on the way if you fall ill. 

Install Security Cameras and Burglar Alarms 

Go for motion sensor alarms and security cameras and have them around the main door, the garage doors, or even in the backyard. Besides such technological tools, keep Motherload items handy. The bunch includes personal safety alarms, self-defense products, and a pepper spray keychain. You can even make a customizable set of tools just so that you can have them around the most convenient points in your home. 

Do not be an Easy Target

Many seniors living alone may even contact their local sheriff or their patrolmen about their lifestyle. It would also be a safe step as the cops patrolling would, in that case, pay more attention to your home. It would also be a great way to have lights at the main entrance whether you have street lights just outside or not. 

Be Ready for Emergencies

You will never have too much security. It is better to have your local 24-hour hospital and 911 on your speed dial. There are one-click phones for the seniors for any medical emergency. Make sure to have a home with paddings and senior-proofing the floors and landings. 

These steps are preventive and can reinforce comfort and keep you safe from any untoward incident happening to you ever. 


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