Store Policy

Last updated on 5/13/2021

Due to US legal regulations, we can only ship to the Continental 48 USA. Kindly note that we do not ship to PO Box addresses. If you are placing an order with a shipping address in Alaska, Hawaii, or outside the US, please email us at for assistance.

The possession and/or sale of some of SDKR’s products are legal in the vast majority of states across the United States. Please check with your local laws to determine the legality of possessing SDKR products and understand the potential consequences for violation. The consumer agrees that SelfDefenseKeyRings’ products are not intended for illegal use and in any case, SelfDefenseKeyRings, operated under Boom ROI Strategies, LLC, is not responsible for misuse and/or misrepresentation by the consumer. By placing an order on , the consumer confirms that they are 18 years old or above and have understood and agreed to all of our policies published on the website.