How to Incorporate SDKR Into Your Daily Routine

by | Sep 7, 2021 | Defense Key Rings | 0 comments

How does your daily routine look like? Are you constantly out and about running errands? Or are you a homebody who prefers to have everything delivered? Everyone’s daily routine is different. Some consist of working out, taking a trip to the grocery store, walking pets, and driving to work. No matter how your daily routine looks, you should have a self defense keychain by your side to help you tackle your daily tasks with confidence.


Is working out a part of your daily routine? Maybe you have to leave your house and head to the gym at 5am or maybe you go after work at 6pm. No matter what time of the day you go to the gym, carry the Balancer 6 to feel confident and comfortable. 


Whether you work from home or go into work, the Serenity 4 is great to keep by your side. This set includes a keychain mace and an alarm to help you feel at peace. SDKR’s mission is to equip you with the best self defense tools.  

Grocery shopping

Although grocery shopping may not be a daily thing, the Diplomat 5 is a great bundle to bring along with you. It is important to observe your surroundings and to be alert. This bundle is great for users of all ages. It has a whistle and an alarm to make a loud noise as needed. Not only is this bundle easy to use, but is also equally stylish. This bundle includes a key ring with chain and a fluffy pom pom, adding some flare to any outfit you put on! 


Walks are highly beneficial and an amazing way to release any stress you may have accumulated during the day. The CDC recommends adults to aim for 10,000 steps a day. If you are taking walks alone, the Minimalist with Clip key ring is for you. It is small, lightweight, and subtle. The whistle is loud and great for alerting others of danger nearby. You can also build your own set by purchasing single key rings and customizing it to your own personal preference. 


End your day right with a delicious dinner! If you’re hosting a dinner party with friends or family, you might want to consider the Motherload 18. This bundle is a great way to spread peace and harmony among your loved ones. With multiples of the same tools and a variety in colors, you can specifically customize a set for the people in your life. This is a great way for you to feel at peace as well, knowing your family and friends have the right self defense tools by their side to conquer their daily routines. 


Recharge by getting 8 hours of sleep to prepare for the next day. For a better night’s sleep, make sure you have a SDKR pepper spray and alarm on your bedside table. There is no better way to end your daily routine than with SDKR’s tools by your side, helping you feel confident and at peace. A harmonious mood through the day and night will have you feeling like a brand new person for another day!


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